Monday, December 8, 2008
Last night the cowboys lost to the shitty Steeler's 20-13 and I have nothing else to write about so I'm writing about this. I had work while they were playing, which was good because I didn't see their shitty performance. I was getting updates on my phone and I was getting all happy because I thought the cowboys were going to win but no. With eight minutes left the steelers score 17 points how the hell does that happen. Of course the cowboys quarterback tony romo had a chance to tie the game but no he throw an interception. What a loser and possibly the biggest choke in football.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What is your favourite time of day?
My favorite time of day varies from season to season. During the winter time I don't have a favorite because I just hate the winter time so much. If I would to pick a time it would be whenever I am asleep so nighttime is my favorite time during the winter. Spring time is nice. My favorite time of the day during spring is mid-day. Its just really nice out and you can play sports and it wont be to cold or hot. The fall I would have to say late evenings is my favorite time of the day, right after diner. Its just a nice time of the day its very relaxing. During the summer time the entire day is my favorite time. I don't have a certain time of day. In the morning its nice to wake up and know you have no school. Also you get a chance to go kayaking early before all the boats are on the water. Then you can go to beach and it will still be early. After leaving the beach its will be around lunch time and get something to eat. After lunch you can go to the park and play some sports. By that time the sun will be setting and time to go out to the boardwalk or go over someones house and chill in the pool.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What does Canada mean to you?
Not a damn thing. Canada is the worst country in the world next to Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia. People always brag about Canada and how great it is. It really isn't all that great except for the Niagara Falls, and a few good battles sites and forts. The bacon is horrible and they have the worst health care plan ever. They have to wait in lines to see bad doctors. That's why many of them come over to America to see our great doctors. Its always cold and only semi warm in the summer time. Who would want to live in a country that's cold all year long. The country wasn't done anything interesting or helpful since its existence. If Canada disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't care at all. I seriously doubt anyone will. OK so they help a little in Iraq and Afghanistan, wow 500 commandos that helps us so much. By far Canada one of the most overrated countries in the world. AMERICA RULES!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What is your favorite day of the week?
My favorite day of the week is Friday, because its the end of the working week and there is a weekend ahead. You get a chance to sleep in late the next day and go out late and do something. When its Friday you know you made it through the week alive. Then you go home relax for a few hours then go out and sleep. Friday is by far my favorite day of the week, because all the others days suck. The rest of the week days you have work and school. Saturdays and Sundays are fun, but its usually the work day around the house, like cutting the grass or cleaning up the back yard. Friday is just a day that you can hump out the rest of day and relax.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
"squeaky wheel gets the grease?"
If some cases speaking up does get things done. If you just sit around and wait for something to happen or someone to do it for you it will never happen. You just have to be like hey I have no heat and its be four weeks in the middle of winter and I am very cold. If you are mean then the next time it happens its going got take even longer to get it done. Being a nice squeaky wheel gets the grease. Being nice in life does pay of sometimes but not always. Most of the time people forgot what they had to do and if you don't remind them or keep asking them its never going to get done. Overall you have to be a squeaky wheel to get the greases.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
If I were stranded alone on an island
I think it would be pretty awesome for the first few days. Also it depends where the island is. If it somewhere tropical it would be nice. But if it wasnt then it would suck. It would be fun just to relax and not worry about all of the bullshit in real life. But then you have to worry about food and water and animals and other crap. Being alone would also suck. It would be something like Tom Hanks in the movie cast away. All alone and talking to a volleyball. Now thinking about it, it wouldnt be as fun as I first thought. What would happen if you got really sick or hurt? There would be nobody there to help you.
My favorite trip
My favorite trip or vacation was the first time I went to Disney World. It was in 1998 and I was eight years old. We only stayed for about four or five days. I remember rushing everywhere so we could see everything. We stayed at the Polynesian hotel. It was pretty awesome it was all tropical. It was also my first time going on an airplane. It was kind of scary when we first took off but then it got better. It was nice to go on an actual vacation because before that we just went to New York to see family and other boring places. The worst part was having to come home and go to school the next day. I was so pissed, I just wanted to go back to Disney and sleep.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
How do you feel when it's your birthday? Why?
O joy another year older another long speech from the folks and more responsibility's. Dont get me wrong I love my birthday you get money and its pretty much your day. Its the one day of the year that belongs to you. I used to be a lot more fun when I was younger, but its still fun now to go out with friends and have parties. I guess when you get older it become less fun because it get old. And with every year theres more shit you have to worry about. The best part about my birthday is its in May, which means summer alomst here. And schools almost over. Evey year you get that one gift that you really want which is awesome unless you dont get it.
What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? bad?
If there was no television most of the world would probably go into a state of panic. Most people in the world use TV as their only source of information. Not many people read the news paper any more. People would read books a lot more to pass time and for entertainment, because there is no TV. The only bad thing about not having TV is the funny shows and movies that are on. I guess people would get used to it. I think it would help the world a lot more than hurt. As people would be a lot smarter because we would read more. People would listen to the radio a lot more, which would be funny because not many people listen to it for news. I think sporting events would be less exciting because you really cant see whats going on and happening.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Describe five things that you usually do after school.
Fives things that I usually do after school. Nothing really to exciting. I usually fall asleep when I get home after school for about an hour or sometimes more. I do this just about every day. When I wake up i feel refreshed and ready to go do something. Of course I do homework because I'm in school and what would school be without homework. Food how can I forget this I eat the second I get home, because I get hungry. I need food for energy to keep me going the rest of the day. I also do some type of sport or physical activity. Now that's its getting cold outside I just run and lift because you cant really play baseball or sports in the cold weather it just sucks. The last thing I do just about every day after school is talk to my folks for about five minutes. Its impossible not to talk to them they are everywhere.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What invention would you like to see in your lifetime?
I would like to see an invention that can allow people to travel through space. I think it would be awesome to travel through space and really get an understanding of how big the universe is. Its almost impossible to comprehend how big it is. Some of the largest things in the universe are clusters of stars and galaxies which are 400,000 light years across. If there is an invention that would allow people to travel through space we can learn so much more and advance technology at a great rate. I would like to see this invention because I like science and find it interesting and there's nothing more interesting in science than space. Just think of all the things would learn with this invention. But in order to make this think of all the things we would need to learn before we can make this. If I lived to see this, which I most likely wont I would be so excited to use it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
What is your favorite month? Why?
My favorite month is July. July rocks because its summer time, beach, no school, babes, barbeque's, and its not cold. I don't know how you cant not like it. I love the summer time so much. Which is a reason why July is my favorite month. Its the perfect time to go to the beach because the waters usually warm. Plus its not like August were you have to go to school in like two weeks. I don't mind the hot weather I prefer it. I would rather it be 100 than 10. Its also Americas birthday in July how can you not like it. You have fireworks which can cause riots like last summer in lavallette, but other than that the 4th of July is awesome. You get to spend time with your family and friends and have a great time. Another reason why July's my favorite month is because there's no school, which is the shit. I hate school and not having to go is great. I love the beach you cant go to the beach really in others months expect June July august and September. In the end July is the best month and kicks the other months ass.
If you could do any one thing, what would it be?
Wow this one is hard only one thing. If I could do any one thing it would have to be prevent wars from ever happening. War is by far the worst thing in the world by far worse than disease, cancer, famine, or natural disaster. If you add up the total number of deaths from those four things it wont come close to the number of deaths from war. Its hard to imagine the amount of people who have died. In one three month battle in World War I over 1,100,000 soldiers died on both sides. Think of those families who lost someone think of any family who lost someone in war. It is just such a terrible thing. If there was no war then everyone would get along and instead of spending money on weapons we could use that money to find a cure for cancer or reach the outer limits of space. The world would such a nicer place then it is now. Unfortunately it is impossible to never have war. No matter what there will always be war. Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
Henry Ford said this quote I don't agree with it. I don't think when people take their eyes of goals they see obstacles they see failure or an easy way out. I don't think either of these things are really obstacles. When you are working your way though a goal those hard things you encounter are obstacles not what you see when you take your eyes off of things. Obstacle is a challenge you face you life when you are attempting to do something. Lets say I want to get all As this semester. That's my goal. Halfway through I'm doing good then I take my eyes of that goal. I see going out on weekends instead of studying or not studying at all. I don't see this as an obstacle I see it as an easy way out. But hey what do I know Henry Ford made the car and what it is today, I haven't done anything of real importance.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What things are better than going to school? Why?
Just about anything is better than going to school; why because school sucks. Its cost a lot of money the books cost money sometimes you get crappy teachers for insanely hard classes like Calculus two. Staying home and sleeping is better than school because you don't have to take test or notes and you don't to worry about failing a test and there's no pressure. Playing any type of sport is better than going to school. You get excise and have fun with your friends. I would rather do a shit load of labor like wiring houses or shovelling stone or putting up a retaining wall. Its not that schools that bad just all the pressure and having to worry about am I going to fail what if I do whats going to happen. That's why just about anythings better than going to school. Going to the beach is better you just get a chance to relax and enjoy yourself. No worries just loving life. That's why summer time is my favorite time of the year. Unless I have to take a summer class like I did this past summer. It was a math class I took it so I would be a little ahead of the game. It was not worth taking it was from July to August 10-2. My day was shot after that. Overall if it wasn't for all the pressure and the determining factor of your life it wouldn't be so bad.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
How do you feel on the first day of school?
I cant wait for another fun filled year of school that's what I feel on the first day of school...not. On the first day I feel bored because its the same thing every year. You try to find your classes looking around like a mad man. Then you go into class listen to the teacher talk blah blah blah, you fill out the book forms for every class. Then the teacher talks some more. I'm having fun already and learning tons. You get to see your friends which is cool because I'm sure you didn't get to see them at all over the summer. You also get to meet the same kids who are still little pieces of shit and will never change. But for some odd reason ever year I look forward to it. I have no clue why every year its the same I get really excited then once an hour passes I wish it was over.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
My worst vacation
My worst vacation would have to be when I went to Baltimore. I went there about three or fours ago. I was so boring we did nothing. It was a short vacation just three or four days. Thank god it wasn't longer. Me and my family went to the inner harbor, it was nice but there was nothing to do, just walk around and go shopping. I didn't even get a chance to see a baseball game. I don't even think my parents liked it that much. The hotel sucked, and the bed was uncomfortable. The only good part was seeing Fort McHenry, which was pretty cool. But everything else sucked. By far the worst vacation I had ever been on. Dont go to Baltimore and if you do be perpared to be bored out of your minds. I would never ever go back.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Do you think it is necessary to have alcohol at a party in order to have a good time?
No i do not think its necessary to have alcohol to have a good time at a party. The only reason why there is alcohol at parties is so people can get trashed. Sure its fun once an a while but not every party has to be like that. It gets old really fast. If you think waking up and feeling like shit and not knowing what the hell just happened, then in a few years going to AA is fun then there's something seriously wrong with you. If you have music, good friends, food, and something different to do then you will always have a good time at a party. People get bored and don't know what to do so they just drink at parties. If you have a good group of friends at a party then you will always have fun. It is not necessary to have alcohol at parties to have fun.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What is your favourite book and why?
My all time favorite book is The Giver by Lois Lowry. I read this book my freshman year in high school. The book set in a future society which is at first presented as a Utopia then appears more as an anti-Utopian. The main character is Jonas he lives in this utopia and is selected to learn about the real world. The giver becomes his teacher and telepathically gives him things that aren't in his world; like color, sadness, love, family, and violence. Jonas begins to to realize what he is missing out on and leaves the community. I thought it was a great book and it was the first real book that i read. There was something about the book that i just really liked. The teacher really helped me understand the book and got me into reading.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What if all the streets were rivers? What would be different?
If all the streets were rivers there would be a lot of flooding. Everyone would drive boats instead of cars, and I would cost a lot more to fill your tank in a boat than a car. People wouldn't walk across the street they would swim across the rivers. Cars would never exists which means no more drunk driving. Then again I'm sure people would drive their boats drunk. There would be a lot more accidents because if you had to slow down it would take a lot longer and by the time you did something bad already happened. People would have less money because boats usually cost more than a car. Everyone would have their boating license. There would be a boating theory class instead of driving theory. In the winter time it would be hard to get from place to place because the rivers would freeze up. It would be very humid and a lot of mosquitoes.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?
If cows gave root beer instead of milk the world would be totally different. I love milk more than root beer so I would be pretty upset. You really cant have root beer and cookies that's just not a good combo. Everyone would probability be drinking goat milk or some other type of milk. I bet cheese wouldn't taste the same because it comes from milk. The lactose and tolerant people would be happy I guess because there would be a lot less milk. There wouldn't be dairy farms there would be soda farms, which would be pretty awesome. I bet the price of root beer would be like 5 cents a bottle because there would be so much of it. On milk cartons there wouldn't be a picture of a cow, but on the root beer bottles there would be a picture of a cow. Which would be pretty funny. Overall if cows gave root beer instead of milk that would shatter my entire universe.
Monday, October 6, 2008
What if school sports were dropped?
If school sports were dropped nobody would attended school. School sucks the only good thing about it is the sports. The school would probably make no money because they make people pay to get into sporting events. Our Olympic teams would suck because the athletes would have less time playing the sport. Sports also teach kids to learn time management. Kids have to learn when to study and to fit it all in. It helps them when they get to college and a real job. If school sports were dropped it would be the most re tarted thing in the world. Anybody pro dropping school sports is an idiot. It makes no logical sense even why to consider it.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The great American past time, baseball. The greatest sport in the world. It is a bunch of fun to play and watch. I find playing is more fun then watching but either way its great. A lot of people say its easy, but I think its one of the hardest sports. You need to have quick reflexes and a great reaction time. When a ball is coming at 90 plus mph its hard to crank a bat that weighs 20 ounces around to hit. Plus you don't know if that ball is going to move up down or side ways. I think everyone should play and see whats it like. You never know you might like it.
I would say the only thing I fear is heights. Its not my cup of tea. If I have to only if I have to will I go on a ladder or roof. Ever since I was little I hated heights, helping my dad put up the Christmas lights on the house I hated it. When ever I get on a roof I always am I afraid of falling off and getting hurt. I cant say I'm afraid of anything else, just heights. People always say you gotta get over your fears and take them on. I do but it never works when I go on the roof and put up the lights I am just afraid when I go up as when I come done. I don't think you can get over fears it will always stay with you.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Music is a way to express yourself not just for listening. A lot of people when they are happy listen to fast nice music and when they are sad listen to slower music. Most people also dress like the musicians they like. If you like death metal your probability going to wearing all black. I not saying everyone does this but a lot of people do. Music really lets people to be creative. You can write lyrics and music. There are some many different types of music and most of them come from one another. A world without music is like a world without air, it would be impossiably to live in.
Bad Days
Everyone gets bad days. Sometimes it seems everything just goes wrong and nothings going the way you want to. I think its good to have a bad day every now and then. Sometimes it takes something bad to happen to realize the good times. Its like that with bad days, if you have a good days everyday then you wont appreciate them because they happen all the time. When I have a good day and look back on it its great. But that wouldn't be the case if everyday was a good day. It may seem good on paper buts its not.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sick Days
Last year one day I was feeling kinda sick so I just didn't go in. I cant remember the last time when I was really sick and had take a day off. I guess it was probably in grade school. When I was younger I used to get sick a lot. It sucked. I hate taking sick days, because you miss so much work in school and its hard to make it up. I usually just suck it up and go. My sophomore. year in high school I got an allergic reaction to something and got hives and left early but I really wasn't sick.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
There will be nobody in your life who will support you and love you like your family. It may seem like their out to get you or they don't care, but deep down they really do. They can give you advice when you need it, and it may not always be the best but their just looking out for you. I'm sure every once in a while you feel like they don't care about you or ignore you, but i bet you ignore them and don't talk to them. I hate talking to my family, they always ask the same questions how was school? It sucked blahh blahh blahh. It can be hard to be yourself around them at times and talk to them but their there to listen to what you have to say and wanna know whats going on. Sooner or later their not going to be around and your gonna wish you spent more time with them and told them that your really care and love them.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Exercising is a great way to stay healthy and feel good about yourself. Exercising isn't just going to the gym and lifting weights. That's one way of exercising but not the only way. Playing any type of sport is a way to exercise. If you don't feel like going to the gym or going for a run you can just get a game of football going with your friends and play some baseball. I hate going to the gym and working out. I don't know how people like to do it. When I wake up in the morning I don't say "I cant wait to go to the gym". But I do love to play any type of sport baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, and that's one way of getting exercise. I think its a better than going to a gym because your not wasting money to do something you can do for free. Plus your doing something you like to do and it makes it more fun. If you ask someone what they would rather do go to the gym and exercise or go play their favorite sport I think they will play their favorite sport. I'm not saying don't go to the gym I'm just saying there is a lot more ways to exercise.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Friendship is very important in anyone lives. Friendship is trust between you and another person. There are times when you need you friends and they have your back. Without friendship you will be alone for a long time. In friendship you must be able to be yourself around that perosn and honest and just have fun. When you have friends you learn morre about yourself and others. If your friend likes baseball and you really didint play it he can help you get an interest in it. Friends can introduce you into new music. Everyone has friends but not all friendship has trust which is very important.
First week is over....
The first week at OCC was ok. It was pretty much what I was expecting. I knew some of my classes were gonna be really hard and others easy. I wasn't expecting to have a lot of kids from my high school in my classes. Theres more than I thought there would be. My hardest classes are gonna be Pre calculus, chemistry, and English. My math class is going to be hard, because it a combined class of Pre-Calc. 1 and 2 in one semester. Chemistry is going to be hard because its a really big class and I hate it. English is gonna be to hard because that's my worst subject. I'm just gonna to have to work twice as hard in those classes, and study I little more. Overall the first week was an exciting new experience.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
First Day of College
I was looking forward to the first day of college, even though its OCC and I'm not going away. I was excited to meet new people and try different things. It didn't seem to different from high school except the teachers were called professor's not teachers, and they got mad when you don't address them as professors. Besides meeting new people and things I was excited also to start a new chapter in my life. On the first day I knew I was moving on to bigger and better things. Which I was looking forward to. Overall it was fun and a little scary, and like the first day of high school and also different from it.
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