Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What does Canada mean to you?

Not a damn thing. Canada is the worst country in the world next to Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia. People always brag about Canada and how great it is. It really isn't all that great except for the Niagara Falls, and a few good battles sites and forts. The bacon is horrible and they have the worst health care plan ever. They have to wait in lines to see bad doctors. That's why many of them come over to America to see our great doctors. Its always cold and only semi warm in the summer time. Who would want to live in a country that's cold all year long. The country wasn't done anything interesting or helpful since its existence. If Canada disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't care at all. I seriously doubt anyone will. OK so they help a little in Iraq and Afghanistan, wow 500 commandos that helps us so much. By far Canada one of the most overrated countries in the world. AMERICA RULES!

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